Introducing Yellow Vaults

Coin Hunt World
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2021


A lot of hunters have been asking the following question: where are the yellow vaults? You know, the ones that have $10 worth of cryptocurrencies inside them?

Well they are coming! Starting this week we picked 110 spots that we consider prime locations for yellow vaults! (100 in major USA cities and 10 in major Canadian cities). On these locations you will find the big cousin of the CubieDozer.

Hello CubieCrane!

CubieCranes are called in when yellow vaults need to be constructed. They can lift heavy weights but require large amounts of resin to operate.

Fill up the tank!

Tap on your CubieCrane to refill its tank. You’ll need to fill 100 slots of 10,000 resin each. That’s a total of 1 million resin to fill the CubieCrane. Along the way, you’ll earn Leaderboard points for each slot you fill.

Ouch, that is a lot of resin! This means hunters will need to work together to get the job done. But, since yellow vaults are found on famous spots in each city, finding hunters to help out should not be a problem.

filling up a Cubiecrane

All filled up!

Once the Cubiecrane is all filled up it will begin building the yellow vault. The building process takes 1 week. Upon completion there will now be a permanent yellow vault at this location. Yellow vaults require yellow keys and have a 1 week respawn timer.

Unique Trivia

There is something special about yellow vaults too. The first time you open them, they will ask a trivia question that is unique to that location. For example: if you use a yellow vault on the Seattle Space Needle, you will get a question about the Space Needle! It will keep asking this question until you get it right. Once you solve the unique question, every following time you open this vault it will ask a random trivia question of yellow difficulty.

But there is more!

Besides having access to a permanent yellow vault in your city and leaderboard points, there is another reward that you will receive when you help out building a CubieCrane.

Every hunter that puts at least one slot of resin in a CubieCrane will receive a unique construction cubie blueprint! This will be the only way of getting your hands on this blueprint.

And there is even more!

The very first yellow vault in the world that finishes construction will do something special: it will give every hunter that helped build it a one in a kind foreman cubie blueprint! This will be given only to the team of hunters that finishes their yellow vault construction first.

Construction Cubie (left) & Foreman Cubie (right)

Who will it be….Toronto…Los Angeles…New York? The yellow vault construction race is on!

Happy Hunting!

