Coin Hunt World FAQ

9 min readFeb 10, 2021


Where is the game available at the moment?

The game is currently available in the US and Canada.

How do I install the game?

Android users can find the app in the Play Store.

Users on iOS need to install the TestFlight first:

Once TestFlight is installed you can download Coin Hunt World from the following link:

Can I login through my PC?

No. Once you create an account you will receive an email in order to login. The login email should be opened through your phone and will launch the game.

Note: If you are on iOS and the [LOGIN] link in the email is not launching the game and you get redirected to your browser, hold press on the link in the browser and select the option ‘Open in Coin Hunt’, which will launch the game.

Why are you creating this game?

Our goal with is to help educate the world about crypto by getting it into their hands in a fun way & help alleviate some of the financial difficulties people and businesses are struggling with now, especially in the time of covid.

What’s the business model for this game?

Our game makes revenue in 3 ways:

1) we sell some exclusive cosmetic items for your avatar (crafting recipes).

2) we will charge token teams who want to use our platform to educate users about their tokens.

3) marketing programs with businesses including brick and mortar ones that can take advantage of our foot traffic.

How do I unlock Uphold? If you go to the crypto tab in your inventory you will an UNLOCK UPHOLD option. When you tap on it you will go to the unlock page. Drag 10.000 resin into the slot to unlock it (you only need to do this once). Once unlocked, you can tap again and enter your Uphold details (email address associated with your Uphold account).

Note: If you enter the wrong email address your cryptocurrencies could be sent to the wrong address and you will lose access to them! There is nothing we can do about this, there is no undo button!!!

For more information on Uphold export please visit this link.

How do I get more resin?

You get resin as rewards by solving vaults.

What are the reward values of each vault?

How can I get more keys?

You get keys by searching for keybooths in your area. You can forge keys by tapping on an empty keybooth.

Why don’t I see a lot of content in my area?

The answer is that we used as much existing map data as we could to initially populate the game world. We started with every bus stop, then all the fast food chains we could think of, then we looked at the top land marks in every state, etc. Please come to #🌍map-issues on Discord and post your general area with a latitude and longitude. The live ops team will take a look and if there is really not enough, they will buff up your region!

Why am I getting speed locked?

On wifi, your GPS calibrates your position, but when recalibrating after getting off Wifi it sends off another location, maybe 20 meters away, making you warp to that location, and locking you for speeding. We recommend turning off Wifi before booting the game and hunting with it off.

When can I build an HQ?

You need to create an account and acquire a green key to build your HQ.

What can I do with my HQ?

You can claim a free green key once every 24 hours. Your HQ will also unlock future game additions (currently not enabled)

How can I add friends ingame?

Once ingame (map), tap on the cubie icon on the bottom left corner, then tap on [FRIENDS], followed by [MANAGE FRIENDS], and finally [ADD FRIEND]. You will be prompted to enter your friends nickname. Then tap on [ADD FRIEND] and they should be added once they accept the invitation.

NOTE: The first option once you tap on [FRIENDS] lets you [INVITE FRIENDS] through different methods (SMS, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Email…). Using any of this method will not result in your friend being added to your friends list, but you will be subject to receiving a reward through our Referral System.

How does the Referral reward system work?

You get rewarded for inviting new players when they install the game using your referral link. You have different methods to do so. You have quick access to your referral QR code on the options menu [FRIENDS]. Other invite options are under Invite friends (SMS, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Email…).

Conditions that need to be met to receive rewards:

Disclaimer: While we are on beta new iOS users need to first install the game through TestFlight and then click on the referral links to get the rewards.

Where can I get more cubies?

Cubies can be printed at print shops, which you can find in your area’s hotspots. You will need blueprints and materials that you will earn by opening vaults and correctly answering questions.

Cosmetics aside, is there any benefit to printing cubies?

You earn Leaderboard Points by printing new cubies. The rarer the cubie, the more points you earn (common < rare < epic). When you print a cubie for the first time you get a large amount of leaderboard points. Printing cubies that you have already printed before does not give additional leaderboard points. The first player globally to print a newly added cubie will receive 2x the leaderboard points normally awarded for that cubie.

How do Buddy Quests work?

Occasionally, you may be paired-up with someone from your friends list at random to complete a buddy quest. Each friend will have a vault within a 3 mile radius of their respective HQ turn into the quest location. To complete them, you will have to coordinate with your buddy and be present at your respective Buddy Quest locations at the same time. Buddy quests remain active for a week before expiring. Be wary that since your buddy is randomly selected from your friends list, you might want to keep friends that you know or can speak with as getting paired with an inactive user will lead you to not being able to complete the quest. Upon completion both players will be rewarded with a yellow key.

How do Special Events work?

Special Events take place during special occasions (Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving… ). During the event there will be three special ways to earn extra cryptocurrencies in Coin Hunt World: boosted vaults, the printing event and the floating vault!

The boosted vaults:

Boosted vaults are regular vaults that are boosted to a higher tier for a short period of time. During special events boosted vaults will spawn in Coin Hunt World. There is a chance that a yellow or red boosted vault will spawn within a 25 mile radius of you! If you are within the 25 mile radius, you will receive a notification message inside the game. Boosted vaults are often found on famous landmarks, hotspots and well known locations. You will not find a boosted vault on a random street corner. Basically, the boosted vault has the highest chance to appear at an iconic location. Just remember, boosted vaults will appear randomly across the USA & Canada during special events and there is no guarantee that a boosted vault will spawn near you. As soon as the first player finds AND solves the boosted vault, the countdown begins. For the next 3 hours the boosted vault remain at the boosted tier. Then every 3 hours, the boosted vault will drop one tier until it is back at its normal state.

If no player finds the boosted vault it will disappear after 72 hours.

The printing event:

During the event every vault you open has a 20% chance of dropping a Resource Box with unique blueprints and resources needed to print the Special Events new Cubies! Collect the required resources, head over to the nearest Printshop (often found around big parks and malls) and print your new Cubie!

How to win the printing event!

1. Gather the blueprint and enough resources to craft one of the new Cubies

2. Print your new Cubie at a printshop, change your in-game Cubie to the new one in settings

3. Take a screenshot of your Cubie in the game leaderboards

4. Post the screenshot in the #community-events channel of our Discord server.

5. The first post of each Cubie avatar wins! The users who craft these new Cubies first get a yellow prize box! (containing $10 worth of crypto). Also remember that the first player out of all players to print a newly added cubie gets 2x the normal leaderboard points.

The floating vault:

During Special Events players will see a floating vault in the sky. This vault will show a countdown. Once the vault is unlocked, you need to enter one yellow key to participate in the event! When 100 players enter a yellow key, the vault will open and rewards will be distributed to participating players! Spread the word and invite your friends and family to play along! If we do not get 100 players entering a yellow key before the end of the Special Event, the vault will not open and will disappear until next year.

What are User Vaults?

Unlike ordinary vault, user vaults are vaults that can be placed on the map by the players themselves. As the owner of this vault you will receive 5% of all keys inserted into it. These keys will arrive in the mailroom of your HQ. To begin placing User Vaults you have to unlock a slot inside your HQ. Once the slot is unlocked you can travel to the destination where you would like to place it and tap on the icon underneath the scoreboard’s trophy. Then you name your vault, take a pic to show us why it’s a good place for a vault, add the correct tags (minimum 1) and submit for approval! Once approved you will need to feed the Cubie Dozer 10.000

to complete the User Vault. Other players can fill in the Cubie Dozer too, and be rewarded with Leaderboard Points. For a more detailed explanation please click here.

What are Photo Quests? When you open a vault sometimes instead of trivia questions you will get a photo quest. The goal is simple: help us catalogue our vault locations by taking a clear picture of this location. While you take the picture, you have to make sure one of your hands is in the frame. This allows us to quickly verify you are actually at that location and is one of our many anti-cheating systems. Upon approval you will receive a green key. More details here.

How can I report a bug?

You can now chat with tech support inside the game. In the options menu there is a button [BUG REPORT]. Use this to report bugs or issues with vaults and key booths. You can also post your issue in the #🐞bug-hunting channel.

What is on the horizon?

Follow us on Twitter to learn more about new features and contests added to the game!

